New York resident Roger Coleman is a former volunteer fire chief with the Plandome Fire Department, where he maintains lifetime membership. A graduate of New York’s Marist College with a degree in international business and marketing, he founded Coleman Ventures and Coleman Group Partners and is also the president and chief strategy officer at Disaster Technologies Incorporated (DTI). One of the projects Roger Coleman has been involved in at DTI is the Decision science Integrated Collaboration Environment (DICE), a situational intelligence platform.
Situational intelligence involves decoding complex situations into different facets to ease the overall understanding and enable a feasible response. DICE approaches disaster management and emergency response through technologically analyzing the available data, inherent risks, and integrated models to aid emergency response teams.
Assisted by real-time data gathering, analysis, and visualizations, the attending responders can protect critical assets, manage a cross-functional response, and ensure uninterrupted notifications. Furthermore, as an open-source platform, DICE enables different teams to easily collaborate, access the resources, work on the tasks, and share the results without resorting to proprietary technology. Common DICE application scenarios include response to wildfires, severe weather, and flooding.